Our staff and board of directors are committed to seeing others find help and healing through professional counseling and the grace that is found in the person of Jesus Christ.

Tamara Hollingsworth, LCSW
Tamara has been in the field of social work for over 25 years. She has worked with children, teens, adults, families, veterans and many cross sections of the community. She has primarily worked with children and families experiencing issues related to trauma and family issues.
Executive Director
Board of Directors

Dr. Jonathan Reimer
Retired Medical Doctor and elder at Believers Gospel Chapel in Augusta, Georgia who has been involved in camp work, overseas mission/medical mission work, Bible conferences, work in the local assembly and many other ministries.

Melissa Thorpe
Melissa is a Pediatric nurse at Children’s Hospital of Georgia, mom of three, active in service at Camp Hope in Dahlonega, Georgia and at her local assembly, Martinez Bible Chapel, in Martinez, Georgia.

Sallie Harrell
Sallie is a NICU Nurse Practitioner; mom to five children, one of whom was fostered and adopted; Sallie and Steven Harrell adopted after also fostering other children in their area; she is currently active in ministry at Mountain Top Youth Camp in Pinnacle, North Carolina and her local assembly, Randleman Bible Chapel, in Randleman, North Carolina.

Carol Hollingsworth
Carol is a retired nurse who is involved in mission/medical mission work, camp work, ladies’ Bible studies and Sunday School, camp work, Bible teaching with children and active in her local assembly, Believers Gospel Chapel in Augusta, Georgia.

Tommy Bunch
Tommy is retired from a career in the lumber industry and drives a school bus in Wilkes County, Georgia, to minister to the children in his area; he counseled many years at Camp Hope in Dahlonega, Georgia; he is active at Washington Bible Chapel in Washington, Georgia.